Appreciating Single Origin Teas

This video discusses single origin teas vs. scented and blended teas.

To read a little more about the distinctions and differences between these different styles of tea making and tea drinking read more here.

The tea I'm brewing here is a Phoenix Honey Orchid Oolong Tea, a type of oolong tea from Phoenix Mountain in Guangdong Province in China.

The proportions of the tea to water I'm using in this video is 1 tablespoon of dried tea leaf to 100ml brewed in water in the 195F-200F degree range.

To see photos from that tea growing region during harvest time check out these photo galleries.

I briefly mention tea terroir and how it affects a tea's flavor. Read more I wrote on tea and terroir here.

For more historical context on how an industry of scented and blended teas came to being you can read what I wrote for Whetstone Magazine.


What Makes Chinese Tea Special


Designing a Teapot in Jingdezhen